
corn syrup 玉米糖漿。

corn whisky

Put another way , the genetic difference between two individuals of the same race can be greater than those between individuals of different races ? table sugar may look like salt , but it has more similarities with corn syrup 換言之,同種族兩個人的基因差異,可能比不同種族兩個人的差異還要大;糖看起來也許像鹽巴,但與玉米糖漿卻有更多共同點。

This recommendation was soon reinforced by the food industry , which began selling cookies , chips and other products that were low in fat but often high in sweeteners such as high - fructose corn syrup 這項建議迅速由食品工業界所強化,他們開始販售餅乾、馬鈴薯片以及其他脂肪含量低、但卻往往含有大量甜味劑(如高果糖玉米糖漿)的產品。

But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin , corn syrup and other products 但是也有許多的食物包含有基因工程改良的大豆卵磷脂,玉米糖漿和其他的產品。

Packaged white bread contains flour plus sugar , corn syrup and often a dozen other ingredients 包裝的白色面包含有有糖面粉、玉米糖漿,通常還添加了其他物質。

But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin , corn syrup and other products 但很多食品都含有轉基因的大豆卵磷脂,玉米糖漿以及其他產物。

But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin , corn syrup and other products 只有21 %的人認為5年前第一次測試公眾對生物工程的理解和支持。

But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin , corn syrup and other products 然而很多食物都含有轉基因大豆蛋黃素,玉米糖漿或其他物質。

1 . combine sugar , milk , chocolate , salt , and corn syrup in a heavy saucepan . 2 1 .糖,牛奶,巧克力,鹽及玉米糖漿混合加熱不停攪拌至糖完全熔化

Corn syrup solids 淀粉糖漿干粉

Lt ' s just corn syrup 其實只是玉米糖漿

But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin , corn syrup and other products 許多食物是包含有基因食品的。